Recovered (A Special Poem)

Enjoy the poem. Check out the reading on YouTube below. Find Phoenix at

to recognize his mental health
was mental hell

he had to decide
what he wanted to do

but this at the time
didn’t feel true 

his desire for
other worlds and
beautiful words
a psychosis unable to resist

he hated doctors for
dictating everything
every day
making him numb
from feeling

just wanted to write
a novel

but didn’t know how
too much chaos
in it
his mind unable

to insist something better
resist the delusion

and thought illusion

I know
he hated treatment 
he said it
because he felt
paranoid and

deep in a void
a reality of mind

he couldn’t avoid
couldn’t understand 
enough of the truth

of mental illness
of recovery
this wild world of mental discovery

too much

an overwhelming reality
unable to think 
or speak

but maybe write poems

going home
desire for heaven uneven
desire for

a better reality 
a life he wanted to live well
doing well

be okay and heal

I’m your doctor who prescribed you the pill.

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